Traveling with Picky Eaters

It’s summer and that means travel plans that have been months in the making are ready to launch. As a parent of two kids under five, I know firsthand the stress that comes along with mealtimes while traveling with kids. This can be especially tricky when you have selective eaters. So we’ve put together some helpful tips on how to help you and little critical gastronomer when traveling.

The Sippy Cup Dilemma

Sippy Cups. Some even call them the black sheep of cups. So what is the dilemma with these handy dandy, take-along, no-spill wonder containers for

Sensory Feeding Group

Our brain development depends highly on opportunities to explore the world through sensory play. These sensory experiences are crucial to feeding development as well. So, I embarked on a search for ways to create positive memories between food and sensory play for my little patients.